Trentino Invest

Together with La Finanziaria Trentina S.p.A., Istituto Atesino di Sviluppo - ISA S.p.A. and Finanziaria Trentina della Cooperazione,Trentino Sviluppo participates in Trentino Invest, a public-private joint company set up with the aim of promoting the sustainable development of Trentino through actions and services aimed at supporting the growth of entrepreneurship and the ability to innovate.

The company's purpose is the acquisition of shareholdings in high-potential companies that operate or intend to operate in the Province of Trento and are committed to maintaining their registered office in the Province of Trento until the disposal of the holding, to include:

  • innovative entrepreneurial excellences (spin-offs and start-ups) with high R&D intensity and growth potential;
  • consolidated companies with high growth capacity and levels of development (also for bridge financing with equity);
  • companies with high development potential which must undertake significant investments, and need to be “guided” through financial shareholdings, such as, for example, acquisitions, mergers, extraordinary transactions, etc.;
  • companies in sectors most connected to the peculiarities of the Provincial territory, such as ICT, green biotechnologies, red biotechnologies, green & clean tech, energy resources and innovative services.