Innova per l'Italia" is an invitation to companies, universities, public and private research institutions and centres, associations, cooperatives, consortia, foundations and institutes that, through their technologies, can provide a contribution in the field of devices for the prevention, diagnosis and monitoring for the containment and contrast of the spread of Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) throughout Italy.
The project is a joint initiative of the Minister for Technological Innovation and Digitization, Paola Pisano, the Minister of Economic Development, Stefano Patuanelli and the Minister of University and Research Gaetano Manfredi, together with Invitalia and in support of the structure of the Special Commissioner for Coronavirus Emergency, Domenico Arcuri.
How it works: initiative’s objectives
In order to respond adequately to the emergency, it is necessary that everyone's commitment is directed towards concrete initiatives. For this reason Innova per l'Italia invites all companies, universities, public and private research centres, associations, cooperatives, consortia, foundations and institutes that feel able to contribute through their actions:
- The retrieval, innovation or industrial reconversion of their technologies and processes, to increase the availability of personal protective equipment and production of complex respiratory systems for the treatment of respiratory syndromes.
- The procurement of innovative kits or technologies that facilitate the diagnosis of Covid-19 such as buffers and accessories and tools for quick and easy diagnosis.
- The implementation of technologies and tools that allow or facilitate the monitoring, prevention, treatment and control of the Covid-19.
Who is Innova per l'Italia
The initiative involves all the bodies and private companies able to contribute. In particular, the call is addressed to all industries already able to produce the goods in question but also to those that can convert their textile production for the manufacture of masks suitable for medical purposes and in compliance with the necessary standards, or that can exploit their ability to produce materials suitable for the production or operation of artificial respirators.
From robots replacing healthcare workers to active drones to disinfect public areas: innovation offers cutting-edge tools and technologies useful for epidemic prevention and control. For this reason, the call for proposals involves all those who have platforms available or can adapt them in a very short time, analysis techniques and algorithms and artificial intelligence, robots, drones and other technologies for monitoring, prevention and control of the Covid-19 in compliance with the principles of privacy, security and ethics, which can be used for patient support as well as by the Civil Protection and other interested bodies.
How to join and requirements
All stakeholders can join the initiative by filling in this application form. In order to make the effects of the initiatives promoted concrete, applications must comply with certain guidelines:
Applicants must be companies (startups, SMEs, large enterprises), public and private bodies and research centres, associations, cooperatives, consortia, foundations and institutes, therefore not individuals or professionals.
Proposals must be concrete and achievable in a time compatible with the emergency, highlighting from the outset in which area they intend to work and what the time and volume of implementation could be.
The promoters must be able to make available, by self-certifying themselves, a significant component in terms of production capacity and volumes for employment on the national territory or at regional level in a short time.
The proposal must be accompanied by appropriate information to enable a rapid assessment of its applicability. All proposals must be valid for the whole national territory or for one or more regions.
The description of the intervention must not be written in a promotional tone, limiting the content to a concrete explanation of the project. Preferably, promoters are invited to provide a specific "channel" dedicated to the coronavirus emergency initiative, a channel that includes the top management of the company or body.
The proposals will be evaluated by the structure of the Special Commissioner, who will decide whether to take the next steps by contacting the proposers, taking into account the type of proposal and emergency emergency, in particular those relating to personal protective equipment and respirators which are of the highest priority.
This process will move in accordance with scientific evidence and certification requirements in compliance with the necessary standards and World Health Organization guidelines.
For some types of proposals, the companies that will be contacted may need to certify their activities and production, through an appropriate network of subjects (e.g. Universities, Research Institutions).
Fast Calls
Within the Innova per l'Italia programme there will also be specific and short-term "call to action" that will respond to the needs of other bodies and institutions (e.g. Ministries, Civil Protection, etc.) in the three areas of reference of the programme.
The Ministry for Technological Innovation and Digitization website will collect and publish, from time to time, news about other calls for services and technologies in specific areas.
The first published "fast call” is about telemedicine and data analysis services. It will remain online from Tuesday 24th March at 13:00 to Thursday 26th March at 13:00. Click here to access the content.