To design and develop a 5G digital corridor for the connected and automated mobility of the future on European roads: this is the goal of 5G-CARMEN, a project coordinated by Fondazione Bruno Kessler of Trento, which has just received funds for 18.5 million Euro: 14.9 from the European Union, pursuant to the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, and the rest from the industrial project partners.
Safety, advanced emergency management, traffic sustainability, environmental issues: many challenges can be faced by relying on the most innovative technologies that will allow cars to be connected to each other and to land structures, for a better management of vehicular traffic. In the context of the 5G-CARMEN Project, a variety of 5G technologies will be installed and validated in selected areas of the corridor and in border areas.
The project will cover 600 km of roads through three countries (Italy, Austria and Germany), along the “Munich-Bologna corridor”, one of the most important ones identified by the European Community to improve the mobility of people and goods throughout Europe.
The key factor will be the 5G technology that will allow the evolution of the current 4G mobile radio network in order to respond more adequately to service needs in terms of speed of the exchanged data and response time of the network infrastructure for the implementation of latest-generation connected, cooperative and automated vehicles.