IPSP - Industrial Problem Solving with Physics promotes the connection between the world of physics research and the business world, launched in 2014 and now in its seventh edition.
The initiative is promoted by the Department of Physics, the PhD School in Physics and the Scientific Research and Technology Transfer Support Division of the University of Trento, in cooperation with Confindustria Trento and Polo Meccatronica - Trentino Sviluppo.
The 2020 edition of IPSP (IPSP2020) will be held from July 20th to 25th, 2020, at the Fabio Ferrari Scientific and Technological Pole, via Sommarive 9 - Povo, Trento.
IPSP aims to create a bridge for the transfer of technological knowledge and human resources between the University and companies. Thanks to the resources, knowledge and facilities made available by the Physics Department of the University of Trento, a group of undergraduate students, PhD students, research fellows and scholarship holders will work for a week to solve technological problems proposed by companies.
The talents involved in the event will have the opportunity to test their skillsat a new level, making transversal use of the knowledge and practical skills acquired through their scientific training. In turn, companies will be able to obtain a solution to the proposed problem and experiment with alternative pathways in order to achieve their goals. At the same time, they will have the opportunity to get in touch with talented young people and evaluate future collaborations.
IPSP - the 2020 call
Interested companies should send an e-mail to ipsp2020@unitn.it no later than June 1st, 2020, by 1.00 p.m., presenting a problem of such difficulty that could be tackled effectively within a week from a minimum of seven (7) to a maximum of ten (10) young researchers.
More details are set out in the call document: