The agro-food sector and the home system in Qatar are growing at a substantial rate as a result of concurring structural and contingent factors. Large infrastructural projects already awarded in anticipation of the World Cup in 2022, envisage, after considerable real estate investments, important increases in the domestic demand for furnishing elements and for each component connected to the development of the “Home System”. The attention to and attraction of Italian design, combined with uncommon spending abilities, make Doha a market of sure interest for companies.
The 2017 diplomatic crisis has also transformed the critical issues into new opportunities. The need to identify new routes and new stable sources of food supply has led Qatar importers and distributors to abandon the traditional supply channels to directly address the international market in search of new products. As a result, the season seems particularly favourable to start, tighten and strengthen new direct commercial ties with importers and distributors.
Trentino Sviluppo has organized an incoming event dedicated to Qatari food and home design/system operators, inviting them to Trentino for the purpose of bringing together local companies and potential partners in their respective sectors.
The event will take place in the week from 2 to 9 July, 2018. The first day of the event will be dedicated to B2B meetings, while the second day will be dedicated to visits by operators to companies. The ITA agency in Doha will be partner of the event (more details in the information page).
The actions that will be put in place for the companies participating in the initiative include an initial feasibility analysis (specific market analysis, refinement of company profile, comparison with selected counterparties to define a list of possible partners) and, in relation to the event, verification of the profiles of foreign counterparts, organization of B2B meetings and individual agendas, preparation of meetings, evaluation of promotional materials, if requested, and coaching by Trentino Sviluppo staff.
For more details and information on membership costs, please consult the company information notice and profile.
To participate, please fill out the form (to be returned by email to Trentino Sviluppo at: internazionalizzazione@trentinosviluppo.it, no later than 4 May.
For further information, please contact Daniela Pedrotti for the food sector (daniela.pedrotti@trentinosviluppo.it) and Arla Dell'Agnolo for the design/furnishing sector (arla.dellagnolo@trentinosviluppo.it), telephone 0464/443111.