Why would an Asian multinational company with thousands of employees and offices all over the world choose Trentino as a base for its expansion in Europe?
To answer this question, Invest in Trentino today presents the story of Secure Meters, an Indian company operating in the energy saving technology sector, which has decided to set up in the new production spaces of Be Factory in Progetto Manifattura, the green hub of Trentino Sviluppo in Rovereto.
Why did Secure meters choose Trentino?
Let's immediately leave the floor to Suket Singhal, CEO of Secure Meters, who during his visit to Be Facotry explained the reasons that led the Indian multinational to establish itself in Trentino.
«What I like about Trentino, and what drove me to open our third office here in Europe, is the innovative ecosystem that has been created and the number of companies in the area that are focusing on energy efficiency and green.»
Energy efficiency is in fact one of the sectors in which the Autonomous Province of Trento is investing a great deal through the new strategy of intelligent specialisation (S3), and the establishment of Secure Meters in Rovereto confirms the level of international attractiveness of the Trentino region.
The other reasons why, according to Singhal, a multinational company should settle in Trentino are:
The presence of very high quality infrastructures, such as, for example, the brand new Be Factory, 9 hectares of production spaces inaugurated in September 2020;
The technologies present in Trentino dedicated to renewable energy and energy efficiency;
The fast access to mainland Europe and the almost immediate access to the Mediterranean.
Watch the video interview with Suket Singhal, CEO of Secure Meters
Secure Meters: markets and job opportunities
Secure Meters designs, manufactures and sells integrated solutions - hardware, software and services - and customised solutions that aim to help business customers optimise the use of energy resources and improve the quality of their home and work environments. As its name suggests, the multinational company employs metering technologies and was among the first to implement home climate control systems.
Enrico Grisenti, executive sales manager Europe of Secure Meters, illustrates future prospects in Trentino
(English subtitles available)
Secure Meters employs 6,500 people in 7 countries around the world and is already present in Sweden and the UK. In the new Rovereto plant, which will be fully operational by early summer and which was chosen from a shortlist of 9 European locations, instruments for the control of electricity distribution networks will be produced with the help of modern robotic systems.
Recruitment is already open for 25 new employees, but this number could increase once production is fully operational. For the time being, the company needs mainly medium-skilled technicians, but in the future it will require an increasingly broader set of skills, necessary for data analysis and for understanding how electrical systems work. With this in mind, mechatronic profiles are highly appreciated.