In a historical period distinguished by concern for climate change and a strong focus on sustainability, it has become essential for SMEs to evolve and seize the new growth opportunities offered by the market.
Aware of this need, Schneider Electric presents the event "B Corp: sustainability for manufacturing SMEs" in collaboration with Trentino Sviluppo and Habitech, scheduled for Tuesday 5 July at 10 a.m. at Be Factory - Progetto Manifattura in Rovereto.
How does the event take place?
The event aims to deepen the themes of sustainability and innovation through the testimonies of B Corp certified companies, such as Habitech and Zordan Srl, which are today the key to business development in full respect of the environment.
Starting at 10, various interventions will follow, such as:
- "The Be Factory model for the development of innovation” - Monica Carotta, FDI Director, Trentino Sviluppo
- "The B-Corps in Italy: a possible sustainability path, increasingly chosen by SMEs" - Francesco Gasperi, General Manager, HABITECH
- “Becoming B Corp, why: the reasons of a journey”, Alfredo Zordan, owner of Zordan Srl
- “Digitising energy and decarbonising production. Circularity, traceability, hyper-efficiency”- Alberto Belluco. Solution Architect. Schneider Electric
- “From smart to sustainable: The contribution of IoT technologies to the LEED certification of industrial buildings” - Francesco Rossi, Real Estate Segment Manager. Schneider Electric
At the end of the speeches, participants will have the opportunity to visit the Be Factory technology incubator, which hosts companies that make innovation 4.0 and sustainability the key to their development. The event will finally end with a buffet lunch.
To whom it is addressed and how to register
The invitation is aimed at SMEs owners, new entrepreneurs and people interested in the manufacturing sector and its future. Registration is free and you can register online by filling out this simple form.
Attention, places are limited!