Sustainable development, energy of the future and quality of life will be the themes at the core of the activity of TESS Lab - Technology laboratories and services for sustainability. The initiative will come to fruition within Progetto Manifattura, the green hub of Rovereto, and is the result of the partnership between the Autonomous Province of Trento, Trentino Sviluppo, the University of Trento and Fondazione Bruno Kessler. The agreement paves the way to the restructuring of what once was the Printing Warehouse of Manifattura Tabacchi, covering an area of 700 square meters, and the subsequent assembly of five laboratories (IT, Modeling, Infrastructure, Energy Accumulations and Distributed Energy Systems) fitted with the most modern equipment and staffed by highly qualified personnel.
Here educational, research and prototyping projects will be implemented in close partnership with the industrial world. The total investment will be 6 million Euro and the inauguration is scheduled for 2019.
The expected spin-off for the Trentino region is to foster attractiveness in entrepreneurial terms, namely, to create a cadre of qualified professionals able to respond to the renewed needs of the labor market, and to develop high-level research projects that can turn Progetto Manifattura and the Trentino system into an international point of reference.