The repair and management of trucks and trailers, as well as all commercial and industrial means of transport, is increasingly more complex. The evolution of driving systems, from the mechanics to the broader mechatronics field, is accompanied by the need for professional skills that are often difficult to find.
An answer comes from the new “Automotive Truck & Trailers Academy”, presented today and the result of a public-private partnership between Trentino Sviluppo, ENAIP Trentino - Cfp ENAIP Villazzano, Interservice, Maurelli Distribuzione and Randstad Italia. The initiative responds to a shortage in the Province of professional skills with expertise in the repair of trucks and trailers and in the diagnostics of heavy vehicles - a widespread sector in Trentino that has already expressed keen interest in the initiative.
The proposal is aimed at young underemployed and unemployed individuals trained in mechatronics and comprises two classes, each with 24 seats: workshop mechanic technician and diagnostic technician.
Admission is free, subject to selection. Expiry: 4 July.