Tessa is a startup specialized in sensors applied to agriculture. Founded within the walls of Fondazione Bruno Kessler by researchers working in the field of artificial intelligence, it has designed a highly technological solution for the management of natural resources (not only water) through Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence.
Tessa and precision farming in Trentino
The startup uses wireless sensors powered by batteries to collect data from the field. The information obtained implements models based on predictive algorithms that help determine the future evolution of crop conditions, allowing a better control of production.They are already used in the apple fields of Consorzio Miglioramento Fondiario di Tres, in Val di Non, to manage irrigation.
An "electronic root" positioned in the soil monitors the way the plants absorb water. This information is sent to a dedicated platform, which allows technicians to understand how much water they need. In this way they are able to respond in a timely manner to the needs of crops, without risking wasting a public and important resource. In fact, it is estimated that, using these technologies, it is possible to save up to 20% of water, which can be reused not only in agriculture, but also for civil uses, industry and tourism.
Trentino land of startups: a system in favour of innovative enterprises
"We are within a system in which ideas like ours can be finalized. The synergy between all the parties that support research, technology transfer and new projects that become startups and then enterprises, turned out to be very important".
Paolo Spada, CEO & co-founder of Tessa
If a company as young as Tessa has had the opportunity to grow, it is also because in Trentino it has found fertile ground for technological innovation.
Tessa was born within Fondazione Bruno Kessler, a research center of national excellence in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Moreover, the startup is still part of Trentino Startup Valley, the Trentino Sviluppo e Hub Innovazione Trentino project dedicated to innovative startups; it is in direct contact with Fondazione Edmund Mach, which studies the improvement of agricultural and forestry products and has found the support of Consorzio Difesa Produttori Agricoli (Co.Di.Pr.A.), which allowed it to get in touch with the farmers of Tres.
A real support network, which guides new ideas towards the business world.
Agriculture and innovation among the fields of Val di Non: watch the video
Artificial intelligence at the service of agriculture: Paolo Spada, CEO & Co-Founder of Tessa, is one of the protagonists of Tessa's video-story realized by Invest in Trentino.