The deadline for the third and final “Film Fund” call sponsored by the Trentino Film Commission, the Trentino-based entity that sponsors the promotion of the provincial territory as an ideal site for audiovisual productions, is approaching.
To pursue its goal, the Trentino Film Commission has instituted a Film Fund, a grant awarded on the basis of three annual deadlines, which affords both Italian and foreign production companies the opportunity to apply for a financial grant for their projects set in Trentino.
The third 2022 deadline is approaching: the last call is due to expire on 20 September.
Trentino Film Commission Film Fund: what is it?
The Film Fund is a non-repayable grant awarded by the Trentino Film Commission to operators in the film and audiovisual sector who make the territory of the Autonomous Province of Trento the location of their productions. The purpose of the initiative is to enhance and promote the Trentino area and to encourage the growth of local technical and artistic resources with a view to undertake professional exchanges at European level.
The grant application can be submitted by:
- independent audiovisual production companies (Italian, EU and non-EU) for the production of projects for national and international cinema, television, multimedia and home video distribution in the province of Trento
- independent audiovisual production companies operating in the documentary and new media sectors (Italian, EU and non-EU) for the production of audiovisual and/or multimedia works in the province of Trento
- professionals and independent audiovisual production companies with an operational headquarter in the province of Trento for the production of audiovisual and/or multimedia works in Italy and/or abroad
- television producers with an operational headquarter in the province of Trento, for the production of brand new television fiction and formats of a non-journalistic nature, with particular focus on youth, social, local or European cultural issues
- national and international professionals and aspiring professionals for participation in training courses and professional sector markets in order to develop skills, co-production and distribution relationships.
The maximum grant amounts are:
- for Film and Television Productions - up to a maximum of € 400,000
- for Documentary Productions - up to a maximum of € 40,000
- for Local Productions - up to a maximum of € 50,000
- for Local Television Producers - up to a maximum of € 50,000
- for Training or Professional Market Initiatives - up to a maximum of € 5,000
How to apply
To participate in the call for applications, you must fill in the forms prepared by the provincial administration and available on the Trentino Film Commission website. The complete application must be submitted to the Trentino Film Commission c/o Format, via Zanella 10/2 38122 Trento, in any of the following ways:
- hand delivery;
- by post: applications must be sent by registered letter with return receipt. In this case, the stamp of the accepting post office or, if applicable, the courier’s stamp will serve as proof of submission;
- by fax to the number provided on the website www.trentinofilmcommission.it;
- by email to the certified email address (PEC) segreteria@pec.trentinosviluppo.it, in compliance with the electronic administrative provisions in force.
A Technical-Scientific Committee designated by the Trentino Film Commission will evaluate the applications received, and establish a merit ranking, determining the grant amounts for approval by the competent office.
For additional details and information visit the dedicated web site.