Climate KIC accelerator is a EU-funded acceleration programme supporting business initiatives linked to climate change.
Each national section of Climate KIC has hosts every year the "Investor Day", an event where the best startups meet groups of investors ready to turn ideas and skills into business initiatives capable of growing and generating profits.
For the first time the event was hosted in Trentino: the initiative of Climate KIC Accelerator Italy, promoted by Trentino Sviluppo, HIT - Hub Innovazione Trentino and the public consortium of Emilia Romagna Art-Er, was held at the Rotari cellars of Mezzocorona, a prestigious venue for an event capable of bringing in Trentino 13 startups operating in the field of environmental sustainability (agritourism, biotechnology, intelligent construction or renewable energy) and 80 qualified investors.
Investor Day 2019 was held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Club Trentino degli Investitori, the investors network launched in 2017 through the European project Star-EU and with the coordination of Trentino Sviluppo and now composed of about 80 entities including venture capital funds, financial intermediaries, institutional investors and business angels.
Club Trentino degli Investitori celebrates 2019 as a successful year: 49 startups from various sectors were evaluated and a challenge was launched, involving 13 new business project competing to receive financial and managerial support at the Investor Day.