Fondazione per la Valorizzazione della Ricerca Trentina - Fondazione VRT established in 2018 on the initiative of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto to ease the launch, diffusion, development and exploitation of technologies with high development potential.
With assets of 2.5 million euro to invest, the foundation aims to identify those research projects which, once supported and accelerated, can offer positive spin-offs in the Trentino area and concrete responses to the needs of the public.
With the "Covid19 Technologies" call for proposals, the Foundation aims to respond to the pressing need to identify technologies, products and procedures ensuring the resumption not only of economic but also of social activities.
A call for proposals looking forward the Coronavirus emergency “Phase 2” and invites the key player of Trentino System to come forward with concrete solutions to encourage the restart of activities in Trentino: participation is reserved to the University of Trento and its spin-offs, public and private research centres based in Trentino and its spin-offs, companies incubated at Trentino Incubators and for companies with registered or operational headquarters in Trentino.
To achieve this goal, Fondazione VRT has decided to encourage projects capable of disseminating low-cost technologies and devices with a high economic and social impact within 3 months from the call’s closing about 4 areas of primary interest:
- Devices-Technologies Area: Devices enabling prevention/detection/no-touch/ mapping-tracking/diagnosis/home and family care of people affected by COVID-19
- Disinfection Area: Economical disinfection-enabling technologies - no touch from COVID-19 of workplaces and public places
- Smart Working Area: Smart Working enabling technologies for Trentino companies and families
- Distant Learning Area: Distant Learning Enabling Technologies for enterprises, schools and families
For more information on the planned contributions and the regulations of the call for proposals, please download the attached pdf (Italian) or visit the Fondazione VRT website.
The final date for submission of projects is Wednesday 29 April 2020 at midnight.
To take part it is necessary to go to the "Covid-19 technology call for proposals" page on the website of the Fondazione Valorizzazione Ricerca Trentina and request the participation form.