Fondazione Bruno Kessler has attended the Winter School on eHealth & Persuasive Technologies, programmed from 14 to 17 February 2022 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje (UKIM), in North Macedonia. This is a four-day event on pervasive digital technologies in healthcare organised by the European project WideHealth, of which FBK is a partner through its Digital Health laboratory - DHLab. FBK's participation in this international meeting, which involves several European countries, attests to the vast expertise present in the Autonomous Province of Trento in crucial sectors such as life sciences and digital health.
Among the most recent projects developed in these areas in Trentino thanks to the contribution of FBK we can mention:
- COVIBOT, the artificial intelligence designed in collaboration with APSS which responds autonomously to citizens' questions on Covid-19 issues;
- TreC, the citizen's medical record created as part of Trentino Salute 4.0.
Find out why Trentino health is increasingly digital and participatory.
WideHealth: a project for widening countries
The aim of the Winter School on eHealth & Persuasive Technologies, in which two researchers and a project manager from FBK participated, is to transfer knowledge on the topic of Pervasive Health, especially to students from countries considered by the European Community to be widening. From January 2021, the entire European WideHealth project aims to support the scientific development of digital technologies for health care in Slovenia, Portugal and the Republic of North Macedonia, building on the initiatives and knowledge of "allies" from Italy and Germany. Together with the German partners of the Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Digital Engineering in Potsdam, the Trentino organisation is thus acting as a "driving force" to encourage research and networking activities in a sector, that of digital health, in which the sharing of good practices and skills is strategic, especially in these difficult times. WideHealth will enable a new generation of researchers from these countries to develop and adapt new eHealth technologies that can be exploited in the long term within their different healthcare contexts.
Promoting and disseminating the studies of "Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare" means
learning about various technical and scientific disciplines for health and well-being;
identifying and understanding the problems also from a social, medical, legal and financial point of view;
understanding current transformation processes, people's needs and habits;
knowing how to design, implement and evaluate hardware infrastructures, algorithms, services and support applications that enable the best possible targeting of investments for the management of care settings.