In Progetto Manifattura, and more precisely in the spaces of Be Factory, the hub for sustainability and biotechnologies of Trentino Sviluppo, arrives Media System Lab. The Brianza-based company, which is currently being set up and which in Rovereto will count 6 employees, is preparing to build an avant-garde laboratory reality in the field of microscopy. The facility will work in the field of life and materials sciences and will be open to collaborations with companies, research centers and technical institutes in the area. Among the available equipment there will be scanning and transmission electron microscopes with a resolution that reaches nanometers and innovative instruments for real-time analysis, or better without sample preparation, of living cells. While waiting to begin at full speed, the company has started meetings and interviews for the hiring of 3 young Trentino experts who graduated in chemistry, physics, electrical engineering and mechatronics.
Media System Lab and the arrival in Trentino
Media System Lab works in a quickly evolving sector, the one of microscopy. Specifically, the company customizes, configures and sells electronic microscopes (both scanning and transmission) and avant-garde tools such as Nanolive, a device that allows you to analyze living cells in real-time, eliminating the sample preparation time and also the risk of error or human contamination related to this. Founded in Macherio, Lombardy, in 1998 as a company of the Mariani family, after 23 years of activity Media System Lab has decided to open an office in Trentino, in the Be Factory spaces. A thoughtful choice, which has its roots in the quality of life that the territory is able to offer, but above all in the opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises with a great innovative charge.
«We chose Trentino for two reasons. First of all, because it is a beautiful place where you can live well and then due to the fact that it’s a fertile ground for companies like ours, not very large but fierce, eager to internationalize and build partnerships with other companies of similar size to do some research».
Luca Mariani - Founder and Sales Manager of Media System Lab
Microscopy and its endless applications
The sectors in which microscopy is exploited, therefore the use of the microscope for the identification and study of cells, are very vast. Numerous, but still not very widespread in Italy, are for example its applications in the field of medical diagnostics and in particular in oncology. There are also many uses of microscopes, with a resolution that reaches nanometers, even in the context of materials testing. This technology can be used for the control of dental prostheses, the verification of the presence of asbestos or for the analysis of the paint thanks to a particular pressurized chamber which, almost like a microparticle accelerator, creates a vacuum preventing the droplet from being absorbed. There are also more curious applications in which Media System Lab is involved. Among these we find the analysis of the quantity of fats in mozzarella to avoid that the pizza is too "wet" and, again in the agri-food field, the collaboration with an important research center to reconstruct the perfect combination of fats and sugars that makes the ice cream "delicious". Or again, the collaboration with Bonfiglioli, a company based in Polo Meccatronica in Rovereto, to check the composition of the gearbox oils. A work that ranges from contaminated environments such as abandoned industrial soils to the clean rooms of universities and research centers. The use of technology is also fundamental, which, via app or camera glasses, allows Media System Lab technicians to assist customers even remotely.