Another step towards a more eco-friendly Trentino, once again in the name of sustainable energy.
The Autonomous Province of Trento and the Bruno Kessler Foundation have become partners in the AMETHYST project, which aims to develop green hydrogen strategies and solutions for Alpine tourist areas. The initiative currently involves 6 pilot territories in 5 European countries, which are working together to implement the most appropriate solutions and test various possible ecosystem models. The project has a duration of three years and a total budget of almost 2 million euro, of which 165 million are allocated to Trentino.ù
'The energy challenge, also in our territories and especially in the areas with the greatest vocation for tourism, is played out both in terms of energy diversification and the development of alternative energies with a very low environmental impact. We believe that hydrogen represents an opportunity to be seized and Trentino has already taken steps, also within the PNRR, to intercept it. In addition to reducing energy costs and the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere, we believe that this source of green energy can also be an opportunity for growth for Trentino, which will develop new skills and professionalism, research and innovation in the area'.
Achille Spinelli, Councillor for Economic Development, Research and Labour PAT
The AMETHYST project
It has been clear for some time now that hydrogen has all the credentials to become a key player in the energy transition, because it can be easily produced using renewable electricity and can be applied for many purposes, such as mobility, industry or tourism. AMETHYST, an acronym for "A multipurpose and tran-sectorial hydrogen support for decarbonised alpine territories", was created with the aim of giving a boost to this ecological revolution by helping public authorities to support serious and concrete projects.
AMETHYST is funded by the European Interreg Alpine Space programme and will provide:
- An Alpine H2 package that includes integrated state of art of technologies, market players and policies;
- Local Alpine green H2 ecosystem model supported by techno-economic analyses and a decision support system;
- Support services for local authorities and project developers.
Project outputs will be:
- Piloting H2 territorial ecosystem
- Development guideline for local Alpine green hydrogen ecosystem
- Financial evaluation toolkit for Alpine green H2 ecosystems
- Policy guidelines to implement local Alpine green hydrogen ecosystems
Trentino and hydrogen
Trentino has been working for years to achieve the decarbonisation targets required by Europe at EU level. Pushing on renewable energy sources and cutting climate-changing emissions are the primary objectives that the province has set itself in terms of the environment.
Discover the latest Trentino initiatives related to green hydrogen and renewable energy:
The Trentino Hydrogen Valley is coming >>
The Provincial Environmental Energy Plan: aims and objectives >>
To Trentino 59 million from the IPCEI fund for hydrogen technologies >>